ME 370 is focused on machine dynamics, starting by kinematics of linkages and proceeding to kinetics and analysis of dynamic forces.
In the last two years, I took a leading role in substantially revising ME 370 Mechanical Design I, transforming it to a project-based class with increased emphasis on the use of computational tools (MATLAB) in design, electro-mechanical actuation, and creative hands-on building activities. Working with other faculty in MechSE, we introduced class projects ranging from spring-actuated dart throwing machines, to motor-driven reciprocating water pumps; and for the spring of 2016, untethered battery-powered legged robots’ racing across the engineering quad in the spirit of DARPA’s robotic challenge. These changes would not have been successful without the support of other i-design faculty, who contributed to formulating the projects and adopted them in their teaching. This effort has been supported by a SIIP
To support these efforts, we started the Innovation Studio where our MechSE students creatively design and conceive their ideas outside the classroom, and learn how to become skillful “makers” and inventors.
Spring 2017 ISTEM Design Thinking video
Spring 2019 video